- To provide food and shelter to needy students of below poverty level.
- The interest amount from the deposit to the Sangam is utilising for maintanance & the students scholarship fees etc.
- The fund collected by others and as well as by Sangam is utilised to provide food And hot water facility for the students.
- the fund raised by public, government and Sangam is utilising for renovation of the building and to provide other facilities to the Sangam.
- To encourage the talents like sports, Dance,singing, music,cultural activities and social activities in Sangam.
- To celebrate all national festivals and traditional festivals
- To provide free library reading facility.
- To provide financial aids to physically chall and widows.
- The fixed deposits, wills donated by the donors are maintained and being utilized as per their wish.
- To collect the data of the Sangam members like their occupation, education etc.
- To ensure the proper utilization of the fund given to the organization and to ensure that each elected member should work honestly towards the growth of the organization.